Coaching & Training
Life Transition®'s mission is to accompany you and/or your organisation in a powerful transformation, under personalised programmes. Together, we will push the limits to find new and better ways to achieve your goals.

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Upcoming Events
Sign up for the talks, workshops, training and trips created especially so that you can take care of yourself, reconnect with yourself and expand your consciousness. The result is balance in your day to day and choices more aligned with your essence.

Hello! I am Vanessa,
Life Transition® Founder Coach!
It is a pleasure and an honour to welcome you on my website, where you will have access to everything Life Transition® has to offer. Here you will find 17 years of experience in the art of accompanying and training people, converted into a unique and transformative method that has the power to rescue the essence of individuals, teams and organisations. And, from this essence, promote the necessary changes to achieve a life with more meaning.

ICF Member and ACC Coach
International Coaching Federation
(click to verify credentials)
Life Transition® Blog

"Each one brings to this life a fundamental part of what we need to transform as Humanity, that is why the courage to follow the call when change invites us is so necessary."
Vanessa A. Ruiz
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Barcelona, Spain