
Who is the Founder of Life Transition®?
100% Committed to Your Transformation
Hello! I am Vanessa Alves Ruiz, born in 1985, personal and executive ACC accredited coach, member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
Having lived a series of significant transitions in my life, I realised that I had understood something about this process that was worth sharing. I then deepened my studies to create the Life Transition® Coaching Method in 2017 with a clear purpose: to offer effective tools, knowledge and support for moments transformation.
I love being able to accompany people and organisations in their change processes, and I do it with total commitment! I work closely with my clients to achieve measurable results.
Since very young age, I have been an enthusiast of human development and the awakening of consciousness, and these are some of the certifications that are part of the trajectory that brought me here and now, to accompany you and/or your organisation:
Master in Management and Development of People and Teams in Organisations (Facultat de Psicologia @ Universitat de Barcelona, ES - SEP 2023 TO SEP 2024)
Postgraduate Diploma in Personal and Executive Coaching (Barcelona School of Management @ Universitat Pompeu Fabra – ACSTH Program of ICF International Coaching Federation, ES)
Neurolinguistic Programming NLP Practitioner (SBPNL, BR)
Purpose Journey LEVEL 1 - Facilitator of the Vital Purpose (Florescentia, BR)
Purpose Journey LEVEL 2 - Project Development Facilitator (Florescentia, BR)
Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that Matter (YIP, SE)
Flow Game Hostess (InterChange TOMO, DK)
Dragon Dreaming Project Design (INTL)
Aura Reading Therapist and Instructor (Aura School, BR)
Rose Meditation Instructor (Aura School, BR)
Graduate in Social Communication - Journalism, I have been a sports reporter and radio host for almost a decade, as well as a digital content project manager. But it was already at the age of 18 that I started working with personal development, as a facilitator and speaker. Between 2015 and 2019, I have lived in the eco village of Piracanga (Brazil), where I deepened my studies on my own self, my spirituality and also on human development tools. After that experience, I finally settled in Barcelona (Spain), in September 2020.
I invite you to explore the Life Transition® services and the ways to work together through an initial video call. Will you join me?